‘Captain Marvel’ Second Weekend Box Office Will Be Much Like the First

Posted: March 15, 2019 in Movies

Photo courtesy of ComingSoon.net

Disney’s and Marvel’s “Captain Marvel” was such a resounding success at the box office in its opening weekend, it left many wondering how high it could climb.  Opening last weekend to a – modest – $153.4 million at the domestic box office (and a worldwide opening of $456 million) it became the highest grossing opening film starring a female in history.  It was also good enough for Marvel’s third largest opening ever – right behind “Avengers: Infinity War” and “Black Panther”.

The film is poised to dominate the box office in its second weekend, considering the competition isn’t much to look at.  Its biggest competition, if you can call it that, is for an animated kids film “Wonder Park” which is about a little girl discovering an abandoned theme park and all the critters that come with it.  The trailers made it look cute, but unless your five year old has lived under a rock for their entire life, you’re likely to take your child to see “Captain Marvel”.  Analysts at Box Office Mojo are anticipating “Captain Marvel” bringing in nearly $70 million in its second weekend for a domestic total of about $265 million.  That number is nothing to scoff at, considering the $70 million number this weekend that is being anticipated is with a 55% drop in audiences.  That big of a percentage drop would see most other films falling out of the top 3.

“Wonder Park” is anticipated to get between $9 million and $14 million, although some analysts believe it will struggle to make it out of single digit millions.  That would be a huge bomb for Paramount Animation, which is behind the sneaky-popular “Sherlock Gnomes”.  CBS Films “Five Feet Apart” is looking to round out the top three at the weekend box office with a $8 million through $10 million total.  That would likely be a huge win for CBS Films as the production budget for the film is rather modest.

It’s not a good weekend for new films, however if you haven’t seen “Captain Marvel” yet, this is probably the best weekend to do so before Hollywood starts pushing out other big budget blockbusters beginning later this month.

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